silver dynamic microphone on black microphone standPhoto by Dmitry Demidov on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

A local group of amateur radio operators is gathering each week on the SOARC Repeater near Grants Pass, Oregon. The Saturday 4 Pm Social or (S4S) net is being conducted every week (unless someone forgets :)) on the Gilbert Repeater. The Repeater frequency is 147.300 +, with a CTCSS tone of 136.5. The repeater can be accessed from most of Josephine County as well as Medford and the surrounding areas. The meeting time is 4 pm or thereabout. If you arrive late, no problem, there will be several calls for radio operators that would like to join throughout the session.

The purpose of this group is to encourage ham radio activity, on the 2-meter band. Although there may be other bands we may work, we would typically start by using the repeater first them move on from there. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcome and encouraged to check-in. Once folks have checked in, the net control operator will run through that list giving each person time to talk about whatever they wish. Sometimes, folks just want to check-in and that’s okay too!!

Typically the session lasts about an hour but there have been times when it has gone on a little longer.

Weekly activity and photo information is shared via The groups page is located at:

In order to access the group site, you will need to join that group. This requires a vaild amateur radio license, an email, and login. once you click the link above, look for a button near the bottom “join group”. From there, you will need to be approved. Check your junk folder for email messages from the site.

Hope to hear you on the radio!!

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By Jim

Over 30 years in automotive repair. I worked as a Technician, Shop Foreman, Service Manager, and Fixed Operations Manager. I obtained my amateur radio license in 1991 and really enjoy the hobby! I love to work on and repair anything electronic. My desire is to constantly learn something new!